I was so excited, I woke up early and did what any bride would do... I took a BATH!
I tried to relax but that didn't work so well, Heck, it was my WEDDING DAY!
I got down to Russ's parents around noon, we finished the backyard, and started on the final prep.
Anne made my bouquet, and I just sat and watched. I remained as calm as possible. I had decided that if I got TOO emotional, that things may get out of hand. So I just sat back and let everything happen. Nothing bad happened mind you, but had I been all ruffled, it may have.
Lacee (MY M.O.H) got there around 3:00 and we all just sat around and talked. I kept getting the "Are you ok?" Cause I was SO calm. I seriously was just trying not think too hard, and not to let things get inside my head. I wanted to enjoy the whole day and not miss a thing.
Russ's aunt Nancy did my hair, she got there around 4:30 and so we got started.
The time from 4:30-5:30 was the usual Bride prep. Hair, Make-up, Dress, shoes...

Then it was time to walk out and see my soon to be Husband!! I walked into the Kitchen and there he stood... No words were exchanged, Nothing had to be said, he was FLABBERGASTED, and had a HUGE smile on his face. I was speechless as well (not normal) he looked SO handsome, and I got butterflies looking into his eyes. Russ kissed his soon to be Bride and we headed outside. We took pictures with the family until 7:00- See below.

It was 7:30, I walked out into the kitchen where all the "Wedding Group" was. We handed out the flowers to the Bridesmaids, then someone noticed the Bridger and Brooklyn were MISSING! Total PANIC filled the room. Everyone ran outside, SCREAMING for them. (*Russ's parents live on Center Street, it was VERY NERVE RACKING) They were "playing a game" and hiding from us in the bedroom. Thank heavens they were safe!!
We headed to the side of the house, and then... It STARTED!!

As we stood there, my dad was so sweet. Saying things I'm not going to repeat here, because it really was only meant for me. But I will say this, Dad- I love you SO much!!! You are the BEST DAD IN THE WHOLE WORLD!!
Chayse & Anne walked out first, Followed by Josh & Lacee, Issac & Mandy, Richard & Teea, Julianne & Dustin, Jen & Kyle, and then of course Bridger & Brooklyn.
Brooklyn wasn't too sure about throwing the flowers, so Bridger helped. He grabbed HUGE handfulls and just THREW them, it was SO cute. They were out of flowers before they even turned down the isle. I LOVED IT! It was perfect! Bridge turned around when they ran out and said "JACKET! (what he calls me) We are out of FLOWERS!!" Then we told him to go get "G" and he ran to her.

Then out walked My Dad and Me. I was walking on clouds, saw Russ and LOST IT! Yes, I cried like a BABY! I recovered quickly though!
I Hugged my Dad for the "last time" before being a Married woman, and he handed me over to Russ.

The Ceremony was BEAUTIFUL! I loved EVERY minute of it. Bishop Andersen (Allie's Dad) Married us. We were SO happy he was willing to do it! He means SO much to us, and we didn't want it any other way!
Here are some pictures from it.

We got to talk to everyone that was at the Wedding, and gave MANY hugs! I was SO glad that SO many people we loved were able to be there on that special day with us! It was VERY short notice, and I am SO glad that we have so many people who love us! We love ALL of you SO VERY MUCH!! It wouldn't have been our PERFECT day without you. And yes, that's what it was ... PERFECT!

We got to dance our first dance as "NEWLY WEDS" to OUR song- Johnny and June! Russ said so many SWEET things while we were dancing. I am SO glad I Married my best friend! I love Russ SO much and am SO blessed to have him as my Husband now!! I love you DEARLY Russ, and cannot wait to spend ETERNITY with YOU! BRING IT ON BABY!!

I danced with my Dad, again another bitter sweet moment. He did such an AMAZING job with all us girls! Its because of him that we chose such AMAZING men!

We all danced the night away, mingled some more, and us "Newly Weds" were the last ones out of the house! Seriously, We left after our guests, but we wouldn't have it any other way!!

We headed off to our Honeymoon night, and we'll stop there for now.
There is a story about the Honeymoon night I have to tell you. No nothing inappropriate, no worries. Its all "G" rated! :)
Until Next time, Enjoy a HONEYMOON picture!!