We are BACK in action!!
I have gotten online to blog SO many times.
Then don't feel like posting, so I exit out and continue on with my day.
SO much is being missed!!
Its only fair that I get on and update!!
Only problem??
Where to begin!!
My last "REAL" blog was the middle of December.
I got you pretty caught up then,
So lets start with Christmas!!

Russ was in North Dakota during Christmas,
so for me it was WAY different.
For Addi, we did the same things we always do.
Family parties, LOTS of food, and even MORE gifts!!
We had a BLAST!!
Russ got home Christmas night
(Technically the 26th- he got in around 1 AM)
I met him up at iHop and held him SO tight!!
2 weeks is a long time... for those of you who have never done it.
We ate "dinner" then- mostly for him.
I wasn't OVERLY hungry at that time.
We enjoyed each others company.
Although I felt like I was on a first date...
It was way funny.
We went bowling with my family that day.
Addi took 3rd- Kyle and Russ were the only 2 that beat her. :)
I was doing SO horrible I made my mom take over for me.
I ended better then I began- Thanks momma!!

Spending time with family is FABULOUS!!
Speaking of...
Have any of you played the new Mario Bros on Wii??
(the one in the red case)
Josh, Katy & I (Kyle & Jen enjoyed watching as well) played until 2 AM.
We were laughing SO hard!!
(My abs felt great the next day)
It is a GREAT family adventure.
Russ was of course sleeping
You can't really blame him
He drove 15 hours the day before.
Then came MOVING DAY!!!
We were pretty much unpacked and in the house by 2 PM.
Started at 8 finished at 2.
That's what I call a move!
We did have the "best movers ever"- Snyder boys- moving us
(Can't leave out my Dad and Kyle)
With these guys helping, it was a BREEZE!!!
Christie and Teea even put my whole kitchen away!!
Wow... Thanks you guys!!!
I really hadn't thought about HOW MUCH I got away with!!
Not much has really happened since then.
New Years was great.
We watched a movie, kissed at 12:05- after I asked for it...
(We aren't really the "New Years partying" type)
And went to bed.
Russ flew out to North Dakota on the 2nd.
You can only imagine how I felt about that...
We don't need details!!
POSITIVITY is ALL I can manage!! :)

Addison and I have been enjoying the traveling between
Traverse Mountain to Provo a couple times a week.
We love seeing family, and having fun,
though we do miss Russ A LOT!
Addi and I are pretty much in a routine.
Play in her playroom a bunch.
Read TONS of books!!
This girl LOOOOOVES to read
(Thank HEAVENS cause I hated to-still not all that into it)

We eat food, take naps, and just enjoy each other!!

She is SO spunky, fearless, and overall crazy!!
And we love it!!
She is getting SO tall.
I haven't taken her in for her 18 month check up yet,
but when I do I'll let you know how tall she is.
I do know she is about 29 to 30 pounds.
(She was 27 lbs in December- after 3 days of throwing up)
She is a size 3 pant, and 2 shirt.
I can't keep up with her!!
Get new clothes and WHAM on to the next size!!
She wears a size 6.5 (almost a 7) shoe, and has huge feet and hands!!
We love EVERY INCH AND SECOND of her!!

And can I tell you,
This cookie is a SMARTYPANTS!!
Very organized and remembers HOW and where everything goes.
She is a GREAT cleaner, and likes to do EVERYTHING her self.
She is a momma's girl though, and wants me EVERYWHERE she is.
We have been working on potty training and she is doing GREAT!!
I don't know how we got this lucky!!
I wish I could post a video of the way she says PLEASE!!
"PEEEEEZ" with her cute smile.... UGH... To die for!!

I make her say it over and over so I can enjoy it each time!
Let me think...
She LOVES babies, monkeys (obviously),
"Ma Duke" (my Duke), Pooh, Tigger (Tig) and Eeyore.
She HAS to sleep with her Pooh Bear.
And she LOVES "Ma mada"- My Mom & Dad.
We are ALWAYS connected, and she likes it that way.
If she sees a pic with just me, or Russ
she always wants me so show her one with BOTH of us in it.
Its really sweet!!

Addi HATES fruits and veggies...
Put them in front of her WHOLE... NO WAY JOSE!!
So I have to blend everything up, call it a shake and she LOVES it!!

That's all she likes.... Still
Grilled Cheese
Mac N' Cheese (in the box only)
Cheese Quesadilla
Cheese Pizza
Rice w/stuff on it
And plain ol' Scrambled eggs
She REALLY hates trying new food items.
If you give her something she doesn't want to eat FIRST...
She wont eat anything else.
Even if the things just listed are there, her meal is RUINED!!
So if you are ever watching her,
give her what she wants first.
Then towards the end of the meal,
feel free to try something new.
She most likely wont even look at it... so best of luck. :)

She still calls EVERY liquid "juice".
Which is kind of nice, cause when she asks for "JUICE"
I give her whatever I want to. :)
We both LOVE her dad, and miss him DEARLY!!
We talk and think about him every minute of the day.
I think we are all getting used to the job, and him being away.
SPEAKING of the job...
Russ was PROMOTED!!
He is now a LEAD TECH!!
2 shifts in and they wanted him further up the food chain!!
We are SO proud of him!!
And to end this FOREVER long post
- as its turned out to be, sorry not planned-
I wanted to say how AMAZING my husband is.
To sacrifice time with his family, 2 whole weeks, and be out alone...
What a STUD!!
We are so blessed!!
But MAN do we love it SO MUCH when he is home!!
I am trying EVERYDAY to enjoy every moment!!
Time is going by SO much faster now,
you have to learn what things are worth your time
and what things aren't!!
And at this point in my life
- and forever on-
my FAMILY is where its at!!
I am SOO in LOVE!!
I am so happy with our home!!
(That will be another post- this one got too long)
And I am overly lucky to have such a
WONDERFUL husband and BEAUTIFUL daughter!!
See you here soon!!