Forgive me for the novel. LOL, Like I said I remember almost all of it, down to what we were wearing.
Russ and I were in the same P.E. class Freshman year. He was a "TOTAL NERD" in my book, cause I was all about the older guys... Yeah whatever, They weren't all they were cracked up to be. I never really paid much attention to him. He was a skinny little 9th grader with weird friends. But deep inside I did think he was pretty cute.
Like I said I never paid much attention to him, and to make matters worse 2nd semester, I was in Math class and Russ was "pants-ed" in the doorway, boxers and all. I can say I don't really remember that at all, he still just talks about it all the time and says he was DEVASTATED cause he knew I was in there and had a HUGE crush on me.
Sophomore year I hung out with "The Sixlets" (my girls) ALL THE TIME, they were my life. I turned 16 that year and remember I started driving to school the last few weeks. Randomly one day I started thinking about "Russell Snyder" and wondered where he had gone. I had not seen him all year. Then I saw it, the BIG BLUE FORD. I HAD to know who's truck that was. A few days later when I was pulling out of the parking lot, I looked over (cause the Big Blue Truck almost hit me) and realized THERE HE WAS! He had not moved, or fallen off the face of the earth, but was looking better then ever! And driving the HOTTEST truck I had ever seen. I waved and drove off. That was pretty much the last day of school, so the summer came and went, and he was no longer on my mind. (Sorry dear, LOL, but its true).
At the start of Junior year I started dating Chayse Davis- Football player, and a great guy. We dated for about 2 months and then we broke up. I couldn't seem to get over him though. I went on a few dates here and there, but I still was calling him all the time to hang out. We hung out until March on and off. I was being a total stalker cause I still liked him a lot! Then one night it happened. I called him up, I was with Julie (who Chayse liked) so Chayse said we could go over and hang out. We walked up the stairs and there he was, in his gray hoodie, nice jeans, and black shoes, Russell Snyder (2 weeks before we started dating). I was seriously so shy and didn't know what to say, or why I was being quite, but I was. I was not ready for the day, had a hoodie on myself, hair not done, and I don't think I had make up on. Chayse was a TOTAL jerk! I was stuck on Russ. We left shortly after, cause Chayse made Julie mad. But I knew I had to get Russ!
I saw Russ's truck a few days later down the road (at his house) as I took my little brother to his friends house. I KNEW I had to stop by.
Julie was dating Joey Pututau at the time, and I didn't want to be a 3rd wheel so I took her scooter and drove it over to Russ's. (Wearing my hair down, my bright pink "Dance" headband, tan jacket- that I loved- nice jeans and flip flops. I felt AWESOME!) The rest is history. I took him for the scariest scooter ride of his life. Dropped him off at Chayse's (they went shooting), Julie and I got pulled over as they drove away, and the following week he asked me to Prom. You already know that story. But there it is, How it ALL started!
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