I know its been a while.
I've had pictures I have wanted to post,
and things I have wanted to post about,
I haven't had the desire.
But here we are NOW!
First off, as mentioned in an earlier post,
Here is the picture of our BABY!

This picture was taken at 11 weeks.
That was the last time we saw or heard our baby.
We sure can't wait for our next Ultrasound!!
(We should be able to find out the sex at that point!)
What else is new?
Well, I sent this off a few weeks ago.

It had this in it...

That's right, I chopped my hair.
Here's the most recent "Before" that I had.

And the "After".

I really like it.
You'd THINK it was faster to do, but you would be wrong.
In other news,
We have officially started documenting our pregnancy.
I wasn't showing at all until this past week.
So here is a picture of me TODAY!

16 weeks.
No much there, but we're starting to get a bump.
Why am I wearing a long sleeved shirt in Arizona, you might be asking?
Well, its been raining for almost 24 hours straight.
It flooding EVERYWHERE!
Right now it sounds like people are dumping BUCKETS of water off the balcony.
But no, its just the rain!
We truly understand the warning for "Flash Flooding" now!
(Christmas 2009- and HE put the bow there!)

This guy is loving school!
(I am loving this guy more and more each day!)
He's doing FANTASTIC and is REALLY impressing his instructors.
(Not a surprise!)
We are done in 9 weeks and 1 day!
But who's counting? ;)
Beyond that, everything is still going perfectly.
I still have not "tossed any cookies".
I had a REALLY close call, DARN KOOL-AID!
But still haven't been too sick!
Hopefully we'll have more updates sooner then later!
Until then, we love you all!!
Take care!