Or however it goes. :)
On November 10, 2010 Russ had this removed.

Time for stitches.

They went through 2 bottles of numbing... stuff.
He had close to 40 shots- if not more
(And that's the part I almost passed out on)

Russ joked with the doc and apologized for not shaving it first... LOL
I took video of the WHOLE operation.
It's pretty sweet!
(I didn't get queezy once... minus the numbing needles)
That's why there aren't TOO many pictures.

And this is where the fun starts...
So the next day, we decided to get out of the house for a bit.
As we were leaving Russ asked me to look at the stitches.
I told him that I needed to clean it up just a bit before we left.
I took this picture RIGHT before I started the clean up.
As I was SOFTLY patting it down,
all of a sudden Russ leans up against the door frame.
I said his name and asked him if he was okay.
The next thing I knew, he was FALLING ON ME!!
I SLOWLY took him to the floor
(with all my might)
and held him in my arms.
(Its amazing what adrenalin does for ya)
He was convulsing!!
(Or in my eyes, having a seizure)
He came to very tired, and shocked.
(MY heart was racing.)
I told him there was NO chance we were leaving and to go back to bed.

And was fine the rest of the day!
On Friday (November 12, 2010),
Russ woke up and asked me to make him breakfast.
I handed him Addi and said that it would take a minute.
As he sat at the table, and watched me cook.
He didn't look too hot.
He told me to take Addi back, cause he needed to go throw up.
He went to the bathroom,
and while I was stirring his eggs I heard a HUGE bang!!
Heart racing, again,
I RAN to the bathroom.
Upon opening the door,
I see Russ leaned up against the tub convulsing,
Can I tell you how scary it is to see the man you love like that?
Eyes rolled in the back of his head.
Body twitching, yet lifeless.
Lips white as snow.
a HORRID sound coming out of his mouth....
as he gasps for air.
Oh how I don't care to ever relive that day.
So I got down on my knees and grabbed his head.
All I could do was say his name.
I yelled for my mom...
at that moment Russ came to.
I asked "Are ya with me?"
I told him what happened,
he looked into my eyes and said...
"Its not over"
At that exact moment,
he had another episode.
Same thing.
My mom witnessed this one and asked me what we should do.
Russ came to again.
But still wasn't done.
Slipped in again.
I began to BAWL and told my mom to call 911.
Of course she did.
Russ did this 3 more times.
And each time he came out of it
he looked in my the eyes as if to plead for my help.
After the 2nd one, I knew what to look for.
His lips would go from purple to white and instantly he would be gone.
So I would warn him before he would slip in again.
So... After the 5th one in 10 minutes...
and 15 minutes after we called 911.
The paramedics showed up.
He had been alert for almost 5 minutes at that point,
and made his way into the front room.
Of course everything looked fine.
So they told us it was up to us what to do next.
We had them leave, and I called the Dermatologist.
They told us to head into their office asap.
So we did.
To make this a little shorter.
The Dr. said it was a pain issue** that was causing him to pass out.
It wasn't seizures, THANK GOODNESS!!
**He has chronic back pain,
and any added acute pain shuts his body down
that means ANY added pain in the future will cause this to happen**
Oh joy...
So Russ had to take 1/2 the dosage of the pain meds
(he had stopped taking them)
Drink lots of Coke, and lots of other fluids.
(Coke cause its his favorite)
And he rested the rest of the day.
The next day he was 100% better.
Never even came close to having an issue!
And now here are a few "healing" pictures.
(the day he got the stitches out)
Looks awesome doesn't it?
And there you have it.
Our fun adventures of late...
See ya all here SOON!!
Whoa! That was scary. Glad it all turned out okay!
Jac! Holy crap that is so scary! I'm so glad everything is ok now! And those pics are awesome!
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