I don't know where to start.
How about I just post a few pictures and say a little about whats going on.
The pictures are much cuter then words anyway. :)
Addi LOVES her Daddy more and more everyday!
(I am positive the feeling is mutual)
The fun gift we gave Daddy on his
(Yes, she has HUGE hands and feet)
Russ is the most AMAZING dad!!
He loves his little girl more then anything!!
Addi is convinced she is a dog.
No joke, she would rather hang out with the dogs then any human!
Speaking of dogs...
Duke is a year old!!
Crazy I tell ya!
Where does the time go??
Addi jibber jabs ALL Day long.
She is really starting to figure it all out.
She even said "Josh" loud and CLEAR at his softball game the other day!
She is walking lots.
Can go from a sit to stand, then walk.
Where did my baby go?
She LOVES to eat!
In fact she puts EVERYTHING in her mouth!
(She got over that phase... or so I thought)
She doesn't sit still for ANYTHING
Aren't these the CUTEST shoes you have EVER seen?
She LOVES feeding herself.
And most of the time wont let me feed her.
This was this morning...
This is "Addi squared"
Yes, both of them are named Addi.
And they LOVE each other!
They are best little friends and are going to see LOTS of each other!
Addi LOVE LOVE LOVES swimming!!
(I've told you that MANY times before)
I am so glad its finally warming up enough to enjoy!!
She really is the HAPPIEST baby!!
I LOVE her more and more EVERY DAY!
She is SO smart and catches on to things SUPER fast!

This little beauty is a year old in a few weeks....
Not sure how I feel about that...
The pictures are much cuter then words anyway. :)
(I am positive the feeling is mutual)
(Yes, she has HUGE hands and feet)
Russ is the most AMAZING dad!!
He loves his little girl more then anything!!
No joke, she would rather hang out with the dogs then any human!
Speaking of dogs...
Crazy I tell ya!
Where does the time go??
She is really starting to figure it all out.
She even said "Josh" loud and CLEAR at his softball game the other day!
Can go from a sit to stand, then walk.
Where did my baby go?
In fact she puts EVERYTHING in her mouth!
(She got over that phase... or so I thought)
And most of the time wont let me feed her.
Yes, both of them are named Addi.
And they LOVE each other!
They are best little friends and are going to see LOTS of each other!
(I've told you that MANY times before)
I am so glad its finally warming up enough to enjoy!!
I LOVE her more and more EVERY DAY!
She is SO smart and catches on to things SUPER fast!
This little beauty is a year old in a few weeks....
Not sure how I feel about that...
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