Today I feel like blogging....
I don't feel like doing the things I NEED to get done.
(Sorry babe!! :))
So I'll blog about something fun!!
Yesterday we got back from one of the most AMAZING places I have ever been.
My mother-in-law's family had a family reunion.
It was SOOO PERFECT and I am SO glad we were able to go.
This is the website, but of course we got some fun shots of our own.
Here are some fun pics I will explain as we go.
Lets begin. :)
Day ONE: I didn't snap any pictures, beyond some of the Lodge...
Which you can see on the website.
No reason to repost. :)
(It seriously took like 2 days to get over the space/size/amazingness of this thing!)
We went swimming.
Ate yummy food and explored.
Day TWO: More swimming.
Addi took her morning nap while the "The Boys" went to the rope swing
and played in the FREEZING water.
Then we got ready for the day, and we all headed up to the Activity Center.
(We all includes; Russ, Colby, Bridger, Preston, Sean, Casey, Zach, Kaden, Addi)
Hence "The Boys"

(Kaden, Zach, Russ and Bridger- he's not hurt, just exhausted)
We went Rock Climbing
(And sorry Preston, we all still say Bridger won) :)

Of course the MONKEY got to go, too!!
(and she LOVED IT!!!)

Oh, and I was there too...
One of the only pics I got with me in it!! :)
Have I mentioned I cut my bangs???
Well, I did.
And LOVE them!!
Moving on!

Went in and played Volleyball.
Then it was time for Addi's nap.
So us 2 headed to the Lodge while they stayed playing.
After she laid down I got to watch the BYU game.
(But lets not cut it that close again, K?)
Then a bunch of us played Bunco.
Have you ever played this?
I hadn't and I LOVED it!!
It was SUPER fun!!
Then "The Boys", Addi & Brook went swimming.

Russ, Zach, Cole, Bridger and Casey is in the far corner.
(These guys were INSEPARABLE!!)

Sometimes you just have to take a bath in the sink....
We set up the projector that night and watch Kung Fu Panda in the lawn.
Day THREE: We headed to Yellowstone River.
I'm making that clarification,
cause we didn't go TO THE Yellowstone....

Addi & Russ playing in the water

Best buddies ever!!

I cannot begin to express my love for these 2!!!

Ok, not really, she was just having a blast!!

Addi & Grandma havin fun!!
We got back, did MORE swimming.
Basically if we weren't playing games we were swimming.
I had a FANTASTIC night talking to Russ' Grandma.
Then sitting around hearing funny stories about EVERYONE.
I was CRYING so hard- from laughing!! I love these people!!
Russ played night games almost the whole night.
Then Aunt Nancy gave us MUCH needed massages.
Talk about feeling relief!!
Day FOUR: Came too quickly!!
We had to clean up & Head home
We were all exhausted...

and I mean EXHAUSTED!!
(How cute is this picture?)
I am debating kidnapping Colby and keeping him...
Teea, you wouldn't mind would ya?
It was a TOTAL BLAST!!
Russ is still recovering!!
He LITERALLY never stopped but to sleep.
During breakfast "The boys" would be planning the next activity!!
We can't wait to go back!!

We'll see YOUR HIND END in 2012
(fingers crossed REAL tight!!)
Isn't it AMAZING??
On another subject entirely
Remember these JEMS??

Yeah, I need to do another blog of these!!!
See you here SOON!!!