(I know, I should feel like this EVERYDAY!)
It may be because everyone is coming into town this weekend for Josh's "farewell", maybe its because Josh is leaving for 2 years, and I miss him already, or maybe its because there are SO many crazy things going on in the world that I am so blessed that we are all safe and loving each other's company?!?
I'm not really sure, I don't think I need a reason either.
But will give a few of the reasons I am so thankful today.
Right now, I want to let my heart do the talking.
My Uncle Greg, Aunt Kellie, cousins Taylor and Tanner got here last night. I haven't seen them in YEARS! Russ hadn't ever met them!! It is SO wonderful to see them! My Grandparents from California get in tonight, and my Aunt from Arizona gets here tomorrow. We are having a BIG party on Saturday with EVERYONE (Including Grandma and Grandpa Rinaldi- OK how weird was it to call them that, Renee and Penny and their WONDERFUL kids- and I am sure MANY MORE)! I have SO many people around me that I love that I can't see my life without them!
As I left for work this morning, everyone was in the kitchen chatting, and I really didn't want to leave! I wanted to spend as much time as I could there! Obviously I couldn't (cause here I sit at work). I was feeling so much love driving to work too, knowing that people at my house are wishing I was still there! Well that's how I felt anyway, LOL who knows if its true...
Ok I am sure it is! Who doesn't love when I am around! HA!!
Anyway, I walked into my office (little background info, my screen saver is pictures of my dear family, and I have over 150 pictures that rotate) and there was a picture of Julianne holding Bridger ever so tightly (see the pic below). It filled my heart to the brim! The emotions I have felt since cannot be described! I LOVE MY FAMILY!

I know over the last 5.5 years I have spent hardly any time at my house, and I am TRULY regretting it! I know I cannot take back those years, but I am really home sick- And I was just there! I was always told, "spend more time at home, or you will regret it", me and my stubborn pride didn't think so, I was fine with the amount of time I spent at home...
We are starting to hang out more there, and I love it!
Don't get my wrong, I love Russ's family!! I just love my family too!!
Julianne's dear friend, Stephanie Clark Neilson, was in a terrible plane crash this past weekend, and has been hospitalized with serious injuries. I have been reading her sister's blog for updates, and I can feel how much this family LOVES each other.
I don't want a serious accident have to happen to show how much I love my family!
I should show them everyday, while they are HEALTHY, that I love them.
I know this sweet family showed love even when Stephanie was healthy.
I think its just times like that, that you realize just how precious life is.
They are all I have, and they are all that matter!
Like Jen's blog says;
"It doesn't matter where we go, as long as we have our family we are always home!"
Speaking of the Allen family, I haven't met Roper, and I am LONGING TO! That adds to the feelings today, I know I get to meet him VERY soon, and can hardly contain myself!! I see pictures of him on her blog, and I just want to hold, squeeze and kiss him SO HARD!
I love my little men (Bridger and Roper), they bring me SO much joy!!
Ok, I will call it an end.
If you get anything from this, let it be that time is a precious thing.
We do have *Eternity* with our families, but don't let the time you spend on earth, be time you will regret later.
Let it be some of the best times EVER.
Let the after life just be a continuance of the joy you have here!!
That is why we are here....
2 Nephi 2:25
"Adam fell that men might be; and men are, that they might have joy"
(I know its not the "EXACT" meaning, but trust me, it works!)
To ALL my family-- I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU!!!
You are my "JOY"
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