And we continue.

(Our 1st "US" picture as a MARRIED COUPLE!)
So we left after EVERYONE, and had to go pick up Russ' truck.
We were smart enough to hide it in a good place!
(Thanks Chayse and Anne)
Then we headed up to Thanksgiving Point- My dad was kind enough to get us a room at the SpringHill Suites up there.
We were SO excited, and WAY hungry!
So of course we had to get a little JCWs, even if it was 10:00 PM.
We headed up to the room, food in hand, luggage dragging behind us.
We got the the door and the "Do Not Disturb" sign was hanging on the door...
My Dad had been here.
We walked in, ate our food, and watched the 5th Element. NO JOKE!
We were tired, but couldn't sleep.
With our minds racing from the events of the day, it was hard to wind down.
Eventually I did, but I was woken up SEVERAL times by my DEAR HUSBAND informing me that he couldn't sleep, but was SO tired!
Around 2:00 AM I was nudged REALLY hard, and then heard "HEY, I'M HUNGRY!"
I looked up at him, and said "Umm... ok, What are you hungry for?"
He wasn't sure, so I recommended my friend down stairs- The Vending Machine.
He got up, left, I passed out yet again, and before I knew it, the TV was being turned back on.
At 2:30 in the morning, the only good thing on TV of course is... the news.
So I got to hear all about the troubles of the world for a good hour!
I asked him what he had eaten, he informed me Cheese and Crackers.
The TV turned off right around 3:30 and shortly after that I heard the best noise... Him SNORING!
As I slowly awoke to the sound of him, I realized the radio was on. We were listening to Country Legends. Had he finally fallen asleep to the radio? Thank heavens for whatever it was, but wait... Where was the radio? And why did it sound like it was coming from a speaker in the wall... Not to worry, Russ was FINALLY asleep and that was all that mattered.
I had listened to 3 songs and then the song "For all the Wrong Reasons" came on by The Bellamy Brothers. I had never heard it before, but man were those lyrics CLASSIC!
Below are those "FABULOUS" Lyrics.
I love you for all the wrong reasons
I need you every night and every day
Yes, I love you for all the wrong reasons
Cause you love me in all the right ways
Shimmering lips that kiss me
And a body to make a fool of any man
I'd like to run away, but
I just haven't had all that I can stand
Our love is like the darkness, it just keeps on getting deeper with the night
And though we'd never say "I love you",
You know it feels so good when we get it right
Repeat Chorus
There's no reason for us to be here,
But we are and we have been for some time
Yeah we both have other lovers, but
What they don't know they sure don't seem to mind
So we throw it to the wind
We don't worry bout these pleasures that we steal
Cause there's oh so many reasons, but
It's really how we make each other feel
Repeat Chorus 2x
All of a sudden, Russ rolled over and said
Like I had magically gotten up without waking him and turned it on.
I responded with "HA HA HA, I thought you had turned it on!"
He was SO not happy at this point!
Me- laughing HYSTERICALLY as he jumped out of bed to turn the lights on.
We searched EVERYWHERE for the Alarm clock... and couldn't find it ANYWHERE!
Me-I am back on the bed, laughing SO hard I am crying and not able to stand.
Russ- searching, like he is looking for a Needle in a Hay Stack, finally put his head on the bed and realized, it was coming from UNDER THE BED!
He asked me to hop off the bed and in one motion RIPPED the bed up like it was a blanket.
There lay the infamous alarm clock.
He pulled the plug out of the back, and then we heard a horrid sound...
The dang alarm clock had a back up battery!!
I told Russ to pull the batteries out, and he did. Finally silence.
Of course we are both WIDE awake at this point, 4:45 in the AM.
We climb back into bed and Russ says, with all honesty-
I began to laugh even harder at this point- he assumes it was me!
I told him it may have been my Dad. Russ declines and begs to differ.
This was someone from before! There was NO way this happened just today.
Everything was put back too perfectly.
Then Russ suggests- "Lets just go home!!"
I told him that it was not an option and to go back to bed.
So we did, of course the early riser that I married, woke up at 8:30 and was ready to go home.
We got home before 10:00 AM.
We decided it was a good idea to move Russ in that day (to my room) cause we wouldn't have time until we got back from Vegas.
As we were unloading his bed, my Dad came out to help.
Russ told him our "FUN" story of the night.
My Dad quickly replied with "Oh, the alarm clock I put under your bed?" - and laughed HYSTERICALLY!!
I think Russ forgave him? Not too sure, but I can tell you this, Every hotel room we will ever enter, we will ALWAYS check the alarm clock!
Up Next?
We Send Josh off
You two are funny...
What an eventful first night. Sounds like a lot of fun. :)
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