Our Little Monkey!

Our Little Monkey!
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Our Sweet Pea!!

Our Sweet Pea!!
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, February 23, 2009


Our days consist of...

Russ- Jac's alarm going off, a nudge in the back to wake up, sometimes more then once, getting out of bed, the daily morning rituals, and going to school at the BUTT CRACK OF DAWN. (6:30 AM)

Jac- My alarm goes off at 5:30, Nudging Russ in the back to wake up... most of the time more then once, then of course, falling back to sleep. Waking up (generally) around 10:00 AM... a little to late for most people, but why wake up earlier? Ok I am getting better at that. Its usually 8:00 now, so I am doing better. Anywho, I do my daily regular rituals, and then you guessed it, applying for whatever jobs were opened since yesterday. Yes folks, I have applied for almost 50 jobs and I haven't heard ANYTHING back. So take it from me, if you have a job, don't bother changing it, your probably wont find one fast. After I do that, I usually clean, yes our Apartment is SPOTLESS! I rather enjoy that part. Then around noonish I start to make Russ lunch. He comes home every day to a nice little meal and a kiss.

US-We lounge around. Russ goes a little nuts, he can't stand doing nothing. We've watched more "Judge" shows to last us a lifetime, our cars are VERY clean, and our DVR usually doesn't have anything on it.

We are REALLY enjoying all of our time together though! We aren't sick of eachother, and we are loving our new life down here is AZ!

I have story I will write about our FUN Adventure Saturday, but I haven't posted about "LOVE DAY" yet! And Russ did such sweet things. So here you have it.

We slept in, I got a morning kiss, and started getting ready.
Russ decided that while I was getting ready that he wanted to go "Clean his truck". He got back a little while later with this BIG GIANT TEDDY BEAR!!
It was SO sweet! I loved it!! Its bigger then Jaro! Its way soft, and I love cuddling with it! He's a sweetheart and took me to an early Dinner, and we watched a movie for the night. I love my Russ SO MUCH! He's sure knows how to make me happy! He is my bestfriend, and has the biggest heart ever!!

And here we are with our best "US" shot. We haven't practiced much lately! :)

See you here soon! Much love!!

Monday, February 9, 2009


Well, after a 14 hour drive we made it to AZ!!
The trip was pretty uneventful, long for sure, but no fun stories to tell.
That's probably a good thing though.
Russ' Dad and Brother were more then generous and drove down with us.
They drove the truck full of our stuff, and we drove in Russ' truck with my truck on the trailer.
That was a site, I must say, It never got old looking out the back window...
but we ALL made it in one piece (Expect for my glass pitcher... I'll get over that)
We've been moving things and unpacking since Saturday,
but we have been moving at a snail pace since Sunday.
This morning Russ had Orientation and really enjoyed it!
We are SO excited for him to start school, we both are still looking for jobs,
and praying to get some soon!!
Its rained for the last 3 days, and when it rains...
BOYS DOES IT RAIN!! Inches in minutes, its nuts!
In the mean time, since we don't know where the camera is,
here are a few pictures of our new Apartments (and YES we LOVE THEM!!)

Talk to you soon!! Hopefully we'll have better stories to tell next time!