Its been TOO long since we've seen this face!

Man do I miss it!
**To the BEST Dad in the WORLD**
We hope you had the BEST birthday!
We sure do miss, and LOVE you!
**To the BEST Dad in the WORLD**
We hope you had the BEST birthday!
We sure do miss, and LOVE you!
Love- Your Baby Girl!! :)
(and Russ of course)
(and Russ of course)
I got to see your dad a couple months ago. I love him!! We always have great chats.
Hope you're doing well Jac. Love ya.
Jacquelyn!!! HI!!! I've missed you! So I've read a few of your last posts... believe me I understand boredom! For the past 3 summers Alex has done summer sales and I have to crank my brain to figure out how to make life interesting when you sit at home AAAALLLLL DAY! Now that I have a baby, I'm not completely alone, thankfully, but that just brings a whole new kind of boredom at times, cuz I work around his schedule all day so it's hard to get out and do things with others when they, for example; go to the pool at 2, and Cachey sleeps til 4. I end up missing out on some social stuff, but then again I have him to keep me company. Though talking to an adult at some point during the day would be nice; as much as I love baby talk, I need some adult sanity :) Anyway, just sympathizing. I'm glad to see that you've had fun the last little while with having visitors, watching some fun movies, and playing out at the pool! If you're ever bored, don't hesitate to call. I'm out in South Carolina this summer with my little fam, and I'll be here for a few months with not much to do, so we should chat more to keep each other company. I do love it out here in SC. I've noticed that my days go better when I get up, exercise, eat well, read my scriptures, pray on my knees, get ready for the day, and try to plan at least one fun new thing to do each day. Even a nature walk (of which I did with Cache the other day); he didn't fully understand what we were doing, and he tried to eat the leaves and berries that we picked up as "little treasures" to put in a baggy to take home. But it made the time go by, and it got me out of the house. Anyway... I love ya tons girl. I think about ya lots! Have fun out there in AZ, and if you ever think of some fun new ideas that you want to inform me of, PLEASE let me know! I'm always looking for new creative things to do. Call me whenever :) -Jeanie
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