Lets start with the SWEET shall we?
Today, my BFF and Maid of Honor, LACEE got MARRIED!!
Unfortunately, I was unable to fly out to Cali for the B-E-A-UTIFUL event!
I know she is going to be SO happy with her Jason!
I love her SO much, and am so glad she is now MARRIED!!
Welcome to the club Lace Face!
I can't wait to see pics of your Wedding and Reception!


Love ya girl!
Thanks for ALWAYS being there for me!
Hope you have SO much fun on your Honeymoon!
And now the
We had to give Mover back...
Let me give you a time line for the reasons why.
We got him Wednesday,
Wednesday night he tore up a towel that was at the bottom of his kennel.
We didn't really think anything of it.
Just figured he got bored.
He wasn't alone until Sunday.
(I had put a blanket in his kennel with him Thursday, cause he liked it.)
When we went to church, he ripped up half of it.
So we got the hint that nothing could be in the kennel with him.
Now not many people know this part,
but now you will.
Monday night we had Temple Prep.
We put him in his kennel.
When we walked in,
there he was waiting for us-at the door...
We were afraid of what we would find.
Yes, it was bad.
He dug a hole in our carpet (down to the concrete floor),
squished his body through the opening in the bottom of the kennel,
lifted it over himself and got out.
Its the worst spot in the room too!
Smack dab in the middle.
But it will be fixed soon.
Of course Russ was IRRITATE,
it really could have been EXPENSIVE!
Russ screwed Movers kennel to a sheet of wood,
so there was no way he would get to more carpet or out of his kennel.
Ok so, Tuesday night I had Young Womans.
Russ was leaving with Jeremy for a half hour.
He got the idea to put a video camera in the room
while he was gone to see what he would do.
Its actually a really sad video.
He barked the WHOLE time,
and he was MAD.
He kept trying to bite the door open,
and was cutting his face in the process.
He got a hold of 2 zip ties and broke them off.
Basically he was trying to do ANYTHING to get out of his kennel.
Russ was REALLY upset when I walked in the door,
so I knew it was not good news.
I asked him how he was and all he said was "Look at the video".
I knew at that moment we were going to have to give him back.
**He always had a friend at his other house (another dog).
So he was NEVER alone.
Russ took him back on Wednesday night,
I cried the WHOLE day until I had to go to work.
The I had to fight the tears as I had to say good bye to him.
Its been lonely for me since he has been gone.
He was by my side all the time.
My little cuddle buddy.
My protection while Russ was gone.
I miss him A LOT!
I know we will all be ok,
and this is better for all of us.
So now you know.
But I sure miss this guy!!