Our baby has HAIR!
That's right- HAIR!
Like I mentioned in the last blog
We had our Ultrasound Thursday morning,
everything looks GREAT!
We had an AMAZING Ultrasound Technician!
(Robin Brimhall- for those of you know this wonderful woman!)
She showed us SO much!
She even showed us how
LONG our baby is- Head to toe.
She is a LONG ONE!
Her head is measuring 2 weeks ahead,
but have you seen OUR heads?
This was expected.
How do we know she has hair?
Well, we saw it!
On the ultrasound that is!
Such a COOL sight!
She was weighing 4 pounds 13 ounces.
Give or take 11 ounces.
I'm giving her 11 ounces. :)
I guess we will see if I am right in a few weeks.
She will gain about a 1/2 a pound a week from here on!
So much growing going on!
She is STILL a she!
I wasn't worried about it,
but we did look,
and nothing has randomly grown!
She also doesn't like the fetal position.
And head down!
She LOVES to move!
We couldn't get that great of pictures
cause she wouldn't stop kicking and moving!
Have I mentioned that I LOVE being kicked?
Kicked by our baby that is!
Weird? Maybe, but I LOVE it!
I love feeling her every move!
I love watching my whole stomach
react when she kicks!
Its SO fun!
Her heart beat is still perfect!
In fact, our baby is completely PERFECT!
And I am SO in LOVE with her!
I am also measuring right on!
33 weeks!
Our OBGYN is VERY pleased.
He has no worries,
and is very happy with how smoothly everything is going!
I am so grateful this has been such a wonderful/amazing experience!
I can't believe we are at 6 weeks left!
(Close to)
I'm glad we don't have TOO much to get done!
I guess I should get my hospital bag packed!!
That's just crazy!
Anyway, I WAS going to do fun facts,
but I think this has been long enough.
I guess these are FUN facts about our baby.
Maybe next time I will do more on me,
but we are so happy everything is so perfect!
Here are the pictures for

And there you have it!
Our fun Week 33!
See you here next time!
Like I mentioned in the last blog
We had our Ultrasound Thursday morning,
everything looks GREAT!
We had an AMAZING Ultrasound Technician!
(Robin Brimhall- for those of you know this wonderful woman!)
She showed us SO much!
She even showed us how
LONG our baby is- Head to toe.
She is a LONG ONE!
Her head is measuring 2 weeks ahead,
but have you seen OUR heads?
This was expected.
How do we know she has hair?
Well, we saw it!
On the ultrasound that is!
Such a COOL sight!
She was weighing 4 pounds 13 ounces.
Give or take 11 ounces.
I'm giving her 11 ounces. :)
I guess we will see if I am right in a few weeks.
She will gain about a 1/2 a pound a week from here on!
So much growing going on!
She is STILL a she!
I wasn't worried about it,
but we did look,
and nothing has randomly grown!
She also doesn't like the fetal position.
And head down!
She LOVES to move!
We couldn't get that great of pictures
cause she wouldn't stop kicking and moving!
Have I mentioned that I LOVE being kicked?
Kicked by our baby that is!
Weird? Maybe, but I LOVE it!
I love feeling her every move!
I love watching my whole stomach
react when she kicks!
Its SO fun!
Her heart beat is still perfect!
In fact, our baby is completely PERFECT!
And I am SO in LOVE with her!
I am also measuring right on!
33 weeks!
Our OBGYN is VERY pleased.
He has no worries,
and is very happy with how smoothly everything is going!
I am so grateful this has been such a wonderful/amazing experience!
I can't believe we are at 6 weeks left!
(Close to)
I'm glad we don't have TOO much to get done!
I guess I should get my hospital bag packed!!
That's just crazy!
Anyway, I WAS going to do fun facts,
but I think this has been long enough.
I guess these are FUN facts about our baby.
Maybe next time I will do more on me,
but we are so happy everything is so perfect!
Here are the pictures for
And there you have it!
Our fun Week 33!
See you here next time!