Lets start off with Mothers day, shall we?
Since today is that special day!
It is my first "official" mothers day!
Which is crazy to think about!
I remember last Fathers day talking to Russ
about how next Father's day we would be pregnant!
And I could REALLY wish him a wonderful Father's day!
Well today is my Mothers day!
I am loving it,
and our little girl is sure kickin away to show she loves me.
Well, At least that's what I say. :)
But I really want to wish all the Mothers in my life a
I have the MOST amazingly, wonderfully, fantastic Mother EVER!
I have an incredible, caring, hilarious Mother-in-law!
I have 4 Grand- Mothers who I treasure deeply!
(In-laws included there) :)
My amazingly beautiful sisters!!
And of course,
ALL the other Women in my life that mean the world to me!
Thank you all so much for your amazing examples!
For your kindness,
and most of all for your love!
I hope you know how much Russ and I love you ALL!!
My Momma!!
Better known as "G", with her boys!
(ha ha ha -- Oh Rach!)
**Thanks Jen for the picture**
My Mother-in-law Christie and HER baby! :)
I sure do LOVE these ladies!!
I realized with this blog that I REALLY
need to get our camera out more often.
The only recent pictures we have are of ME!!
And now on to
I can't believe we are into the
9 (or less) weeks left!
I am still feeling great!
Getting a little tired,
that is to be expected!
I sure do LOVE feeling our little baby move all the time!
The kicking never gets old!
Russ got to feel her REALLY close to the surface the other night.
It was SO COOL!
My abs basically split in half and there she was.
Pushing out right under the skin!
It was an amazing experience.
I do have a lot of hip/lower back pain.
I guess that's what happens when you have
something growing inside of you, that
gradually keeps getting bigger and BIGGER.
That's just an educated guess, however.
Well enough chatting.
I'll get on to the pictures.
You'll have to forgive the note on the door.
I didn't even realize it was there
until we loaded the pictures on to the computer!
It is a bit distracting,
but I have no way to edit it out.
So enjoy!

And there you have it!
I hope ALL you Mothers out there have a
WONDERFUL Mothers Day!
I can't wait to see you back here next week!
Love you ALL!!
Since today is that special day!
It is my first "official" mothers day!
Which is crazy to think about!
I remember last Fathers day talking to Russ
about how next Father's day we would be pregnant!
And I could REALLY wish him a wonderful Father's day!
Well today is my Mothers day!
I am loving it,
and our little girl is sure kickin away to show she loves me.
Well, At least that's what I say. :)
But I really want to wish all the Mothers in my life a
I have the MOST amazingly, wonderfully, fantastic Mother EVER!
I have an incredible, caring, hilarious Mother-in-law!
I have 4 Grand- Mothers who I treasure deeply!
(In-laws included there) :)
My amazingly beautiful sisters!!
And of course,
ALL the other Women in my life that mean the world to me!
Thank you all so much for your amazing examples!
For your kindness,
and most of all for your love!
I hope you know how much Russ and I love you ALL!!
Better known as "G", with her boys!
(ha ha ha -- Oh Rach!)
**Thanks Jen for the picture**

I sure do LOVE these ladies!!
I realized with this blog that I REALLY
need to get our camera out more often.
The only recent pictures we have are of ME!!
And now on to
I can't believe we are into the
9 (or less) weeks left!
I am still feeling great!
Getting a little tired,
that is to be expected!
I sure do LOVE feeling our little baby move all the time!
The kicking never gets old!
Russ got to feel her REALLY close to the surface the other night.
It was SO COOL!
My abs basically split in half and there she was.
Pushing out right under the skin!
It was an amazing experience.
I do have a lot of hip/lower back pain.
I guess that's what happens when you have
something growing inside of you, that
gradually keeps getting bigger and BIGGER.
That's just an educated guess, however.
Well enough chatting.
I'll get on to the pictures.
You'll have to forgive the note on the door.
I didn't even realize it was there
until we loaded the pictures on to the computer!
It is a bit distracting,
but I have no way to edit it out.
So enjoy!
And there you have it!
I hope ALL you Mothers out there have a
WONDERFUL Mothers Day!
I can't wait to see you back here next week!
Love you ALL!!
1 comment:
Hey, try a chiropractor! That helped me loads at the end of my pregnancy with Kade. I didn't have much pain around the end and it's due to the chiro. I didn't get uncomfortable either.
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