Let me first start off by saying
MAJOR KUDOS to all of you who have delivered babies naturally.
MAJOR KUDOS to all of you who have delivered babies naturally.
My experience was nothing as I expected.
This is not short,
a lot of people have been asking about my delivery
so I'm giving you ALL the details.
It may even be a little graphic for some of you.
Second- I had this whole post done... then my computer froze.
So I hope it sounds as good as it did the first time...
Lets get started with Sunday July 11th.
My cousin Kaitlyn was here for the summer.
She was heading home on Wednesday the 14th.
Which meant that she would not meat little Addi if I was to be induced.
Her and my mom were bound and determined to make Addi come.
So, Sunday night they did pressure point massage.
They rubbed from my head to toes.
I was bruised the next day.
It was hysterical!
Poor Kaitlyn rubbed until way past midnight that night in hopes that it would work.
No such luck.
I had a FEW cramps but nothing too serious.
The next day Monday the 12th,
they said it was the day to WALK!
So we hit the mall for about an hour.
That didn't do much,
So it was off to Sundance to go "walk" around.
(To a 9 month pregnant woman, that's a TOTAL hike)
We hiked up there for a while,
I got in the river for a bit cause my feet hurt SO bad.
After a few cramps and a little sweat we headed home.
That night we watched the Bachlorette and Kaitlyn rubbed more pressure points.
By this time, I was calling her my doula.
I told her and my mom that come midnight
we were no longer trying anything and we
were letting her come on her own.
Midnight came and went and they were pretty bummed.
I was having a FEW more cramps, but again nothing serious.
I went to bed around 1:00.
At 3:15 I was RUDELY awoken (startled)
by something warm between my legs...
All of a sudden MORE warmth!
I DEFINATELY had not wet the bed.
I jumped out of bed and realized my water had just broke!
(broken? Not sure.)
I rushed to the bathroom in hopes to not get it all over my floor.
They don't ever tell you how MUCH water comes out or how it never stops! :)
So I frantically texted my mom "MY WATER JUST BROKE!"
(Russ was at work)
I hurried and packed the rest of my bag.
My mom came rushing down and then asked
"Have you called Russ?"
Seriously... How had I forgotten that part?
In a panic I called his phone...
No answer!
Of all times not to be near your phone!
I knew that if I called his parts department they could get a hold of him.
So I called up to his work.
"For the parts deparment, please press 1"
I press "1"... nothing.
My keypad had broken a few days before.
My "1" button was one of the three buttons NOT working!
I was even more panicked.
So I called again, this time I HELD the "1" button down...
"Parts"- says the guy on the other line.
"Umm yeah, (voice shaking) I need to get a hold of Russell Snyder in the shop"
Parts guy... "Uhhh, Russ... phone?"
"Who is it?" Russ asked... SERIOUSLY?
LOL Who else would have been calling?
I tried as hard as possible not to sound panicked, but he could sense it.
I told him my water had broken and that it was time!
He quickly said, "I'm on my way!" And hung up.
I had forgotten to tell him that he didn't need to rush.
We got to the hospital, they hooked me up, and moments later, Russ was there.
He had made the 45 minute drive in 20 minutes!!
Then it was time to wait.
A nurse came in around 7:00 AM and told me that if
I was going to want an epidural soon,
now was the time to get one.
They had a few c-sections scheduled and knew
it would be a while until I could get one.
After feeling contractions for 4 hours,
I was ok with not feeling them when they were REALLY intense.
A few moments late the Anesthesiologist was in.
We had SERIOUS SERIOUS issues with him.
It was like someone in the hallway was timing him.
He was a jerk, it REALLY hurt,
just sitting here thinking about it,
makes my back hurt.
I about passed out and I was sweating worse then I had in my life.
For all I knew I could have been dying
but he didn't seem to care to tell me anything.
I think I felt everything,
the numbing didn't seem to work.
Then it was done, and I was numb.
That is BY FAR the weirdest feeling!
Not to feel anything from your hips down!
I couldn't roll over,
I couldn't feel any contractions,
and I was in Heaven!
Until about NOON...
Then I started having a REALLY harsh pain in my hip.
It wouldn't go away.
A 9 on the pain scale for sure.
It had me in tears.
They tried changing the side I was laying on- with no relief.
My mom asked the nurse at that point
what time she thought I might have this baby.
The nurse said "Not before 6:00 and that's when I leave"
We were all a little shocked.
I kept telling the nurse it hurt,
she didn't seem to care.
They checked me at 1:00 PM and I was at a 5.
The nurse still thought I was going to be there until 6:00.
At this point, I didn't like her.
I think they gave me a dose to help with the pain,
it only lasted about an hour.
Around 2:00 PM my pelvis was on FIRE!
Then I started to feel every contraction!
Was this normal?
I didn't think so!
I really REALLY didn't want to feel all of this.
I looked up and realized I was out of drugs in my epidural!
We pointed it out to the nurse,
and I thought more drugs would help.
They brought more in.
By 3:00 PM I could still feel EVERYTHING!
My mom was telling me that I should get a new Epidural,
After the pain and issues that morning
I was terrified to have another one.
At 3:15 PM the nurse came back in,
and I of course was still in major pain.
She checked me, and with the most shocked expression said
"Oh my... You are complete!"
How long had I been complete?
And why was I still feeling everything?
So it was time to push.
I requested more drugs to help,
they brought in another harsher dose.
That one lasted about 15 minutes.
I pushed for 2 VERY long hours.
I felt everything.
I almost passed out every time I was done pushing
-from the pain-
After an hour I couldn't even open my eyes.
I was hyperventilating and
I threw up about 6 times.
People... this was not the delivery I had imagined.
I REALLY hope I am not traumatizing any of you girls out there,
but this is all real.
At about 5:15 PM, I looked STRAIGHT at my nurse and said
(In the most stern/angry voice I had)
She was a little put back,
I swear she was determined to make me go past 6 because she said I would.
I didn't care!
I really thought I was dying.
Russ was in hysterics at this point with no means to help.
Poor guy,
but really we thought there would be no pain!
Or at least a LOT LESS!
So the nurse left to call my doctor,
and to call the Anesthesiologist- cause I was done with the pain.
She came back and said
"They'll be here in 5 minutes"
I wasn't allowed to push,
25 minutes later in walked my saviors!
Literally, I was SO happy to see them.
The doctor looked and all of a sudden said,
"Oh!! Your baby is POSTERIOR, We're going to have to flip it!"
I seriously pushed for 2 hours for WHAT REASON?!?
I wish he had come in at 3:15 and flipped her,
she would have been RIGHT out!
Luckily I was getting a serious epidural dose,
I didn't want to feel this anymore.
Well, the doctor flipped her, and yes, I felt all of it!
Then he informed me that he would have to use forceps to get her out.
(Which of course requires an Episiotomy)
I looked straight at him and said
"Do whatever you have to, just please just get her out!"
From this point on,
I was numb.
14 hours and 26 minutes after my water broke,
at 5:41 PM our Little Addison was born!!
So basically,
I had natural child labor until they pulled her out.
I still don't understand why the epidural wore off.
Or why it didn't last long.
I was up and walking about 15 minutes after having her.
That's how fast it was wearing off.
But I'm here to tell you,
the moment they put her on me,
it was all worth it!!
The first thing she did was look at me,
and grab my finger.
It was LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT for sure!
Its been love ever since!
The first time Russ held Addi!!
Well now that you got the story,
I'll be posting a bunch of hospital pictures.
We take a bunch everyday!
So i'll create another post (tomorrow) of "At home" pictures.
Sorry about any overload.
Emma and Addi- Right after Addi was born!
In the Nursery with Daddy!
Tears!! But her Daddy calmed her quickly!
Her big hands!
So precious!
All cleaned up!
Our little beauty!
Such a little thing next to her Daddy!
My "Doula" Kaitlyn and Addi! :)
Snuggle bug!
Momma and Addi!
(yeah- its not the best of me...)
And this is how Daddy slept the whole time.
Poor guy! Hospitals are not big guy friendly!
And there you have it!
The "Hospital Experience"
This is not short,
a lot of people have been asking about my delivery
so I'm giving you ALL the details.
It may even be a little graphic for some of you.
Second- I had this whole post done... then my computer froze.
So I hope it sounds as good as it did the first time...
Lets get started with Sunday July 11th.
My cousin Kaitlyn was here for the summer.
She was heading home on Wednesday the 14th.
Which meant that she would not meat little Addi if I was to be induced.
Her and my mom were bound and determined to make Addi come.
So, Sunday night they did pressure point massage.
They rubbed from my head to toes.
I was bruised the next day.
It was hysterical!
No such luck.
I had a FEW cramps but nothing too serious.
The next day Monday the 12th,
they said it was the day to WALK!
So we hit the mall for about an hour.
That didn't do much,
So it was off to Sundance to go "walk" around.
(To a 9 month pregnant woman, that's a TOTAL hike)
I got in the river for a bit cause my feet hurt SO bad.

That night we watched the Bachlorette and Kaitlyn rubbed more pressure points.
By this time, I was calling her my doula.
I told her and my mom that come midnight
we were no longer trying anything and we
were letting her come on her own.
Midnight came and went and they were pretty bummed.
I was having a FEW more cramps, but again nothing serious.
I went to bed around 1:00.
At 3:15 I was RUDELY awoken (startled)
by something warm between my legs...
All of a sudden MORE warmth!
I DEFINATELY had not wet the bed.
I jumped out of bed and realized my water had just broke!
(broken? Not sure.)
I rushed to the bathroom in hopes to not get it all over my floor.
They don't ever tell you how MUCH water comes out or how it never stops! :)
So I frantically texted my mom "MY WATER JUST BROKE!"
(Russ was at work)
I hurried and packed the rest of my bag.
My mom came rushing down and then asked
"Have you called Russ?"
Seriously... How had I forgotten that part?
In a panic I called his phone...
No answer!
Of all times not to be near your phone!
I knew that if I called his parts department they could get a hold of him.
So I called up to his work.
"For the parts deparment, please press 1"
I press "1"... nothing.
My keypad had broken a few days before.
My "1" button was one of the three buttons NOT working!
I was even more panicked.
So I called again, this time I HELD the "1" button down...
"Parts"- says the guy on the other line.
"Umm yeah, (voice shaking) I need to get a hold of Russell Snyder in the shop"
Parts guy... "Uhhh, Russ... phone?"
"Who is it?" Russ asked... SERIOUSLY?
LOL Who else would have been calling?
I tried as hard as possible not to sound panicked, but he could sense it.
I told him my water had broken and that it was time!
He quickly said, "I'm on my way!" And hung up.
I had forgotten to tell him that he didn't need to rush.
We got to the hospital, they hooked me up, and moments later, Russ was there.
He had made the 45 minute drive in 20 minutes!!
A nurse came in around 7:00 AM and told me that if
I was going to want an epidural soon,
now was the time to get one.
They had a few c-sections scheduled and knew
it would be a while until I could get one.
After feeling contractions for 4 hours,
I was ok with not feeling them when they were REALLY intense.
A few moments late the Anesthesiologist was in.
We had SERIOUS SERIOUS issues with him.
It was like someone in the hallway was timing him.
He was a jerk, it REALLY hurt,
just sitting here thinking about it,
makes my back hurt.
I about passed out and I was sweating worse then I had in my life.
For all I knew I could have been dying
but he didn't seem to care to tell me anything.
I think I felt everything,
the numbing didn't seem to work.
Then it was done, and I was numb.
That is BY FAR the weirdest feeling!
Not to feel anything from your hips down!
I couldn't roll over,
I couldn't feel any contractions,
and I was in Heaven!
Until about NOON...
Then I started having a REALLY harsh pain in my hip.
It wouldn't go away.
A 9 on the pain scale for sure.
It had me in tears.
They tried changing the side I was laying on- with no relief.
My mom asked the nurse at that point
what time she thought I might have this baby.
The nurse said "Not before 6:00 and that's when I leave"
We were all a little shocked.
I kept telling the nurse it hurt,
she didn't seem to care.
They checked me at 1:00 PM and I was at a 5.
The nurse still thought I was going to be there until 6:00.
At this point, I didn't like her.
I think they gave me a dose to help with the pain,
it only lasted about an hour.
Around 2:00 PM my pelvis was on FIRE!
Then I started to feel every contraction!
Was this normal?
I didn't think so!
I really REALLY didn't want to feel all of this.
I looked up and realized I was out of drugs in my epidural!
We pointed it out to the nurse,
and I thought more drugs would help.
They brought more in.
By 3:00 PM I could still feel EVERYTHING!
My mom was telling me that I should get a new Epidural,
After the pain and issues that morning
I was terrified to have another one.
At 3:15 PM the nurse came back in,
and I of course was still in major pain.
She checked me, and with the most shocked expression said
"Oh my... You are complete!"
How long had I been complete?
And why was I still feeling everything?
So it was time to push.
I requested more drugs to help,
they brought in another harsher dose.
That one lasted about 15 minutes.
I pushed for 2 VERY long hours.
I felt everything.
I almost passed out every time I was done pushing
-from the pain-
After an hour I couldn't even open my eyes.
I was hyperventilating and
I threw up about 6 times.
People... this was not the delivery I had imagined.
I REALLY hope I am not traumatizing any of you girls out there,
but this is all real.
At about 5:15 PM, I looked STRAIGHT at my nurse and said
(In the most stern/angry voice I had)
She was a little put back,
I swear she was determined to make me go past 6 because she said I would.
I didn't care!
I really thought I was dying.
Russ was in hysterics at this point with no means to help.
Poor guy,
but really we thought there would be no pain!
Or at least a LOT LESS!
So the nurse left to call my doctor,
and to call the Anesthesiologist- cause I was done with the pain.
She came back and said
"They'll be here in 5 minutes"
I wasn't allowed to push,
25 minutes later in walked my saviors!
Literally, I was SO happy to see them.
The doctor looked and all of a sudden said,
"Oh!! Your baby is POSTERIOR, We're going to have to flip it!"
I seriously pushed for 2 hours for WHAT REASON?!?
I wish he had come in at 3:15 and flipped her,
she would have been RIGHT out!
Luckily I was getting a serious epidural dose,
I didn't want to feel this anymore.
Well, the doctor flipped her, and yes, I felt all of it!
Then he informed me that he would have to use forceps to get her out.
(Which of course requires an Episiotomy)
I looked straight at him and said
"Do whatever you have to, just please just get her out!"
From this point on,
I was numb.
14 hours and 26 minutes after my water broke,
at 5:41 PM our Little Addison was born!!
So basically,
I had natural child labor until they pulled her out.
I still don't understand why the epidural wore off.
Or why it didn't last long.
I was up and walking about 15 minutes after having her.
That's how fast it was wearing off.
But I'm here to tell you,
the moment they put her on me,
it was all worth it!!
The first thing she did was look at me,
and grab my finger.
It was LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT for sure!
Its been love ever since!
Well now that you got the story,
I'll be posting a bunch of hospital pictures.
We take a bunch everyday!
So i'll create another post (tomorrow) of "At home" pictures.
Sorry about any overload.
(yeah- its not the best of me...)
Poor guy! Hospitals are not big guy friendly!
And there you have it!
The "Hospital Experience"
Holy crap Jac! I didn't realize it was so bad for you! I'm sorry the epidural didn't work. It's just like pioneer times for you...seriously. Well, thanks for the update. I really wanted to know. Let me know when I can come by and visit. Addi is so beautiful!
Hi Jac! (Joanne Barley here...do you remember me?) I'm happy that little Addi is here and you are both healthy. I have so much empathy for you in regards to your birth story (I had a baby last December, and things didn't go quite how I had imagined either). Ay, Ay, Ay! I'm so sorry that it didn't turn out how you wanted, and sounds like it was pretty traumatizing! You may find that it takes awhile to process and emotionally recover from it (at least for me it did). Rejoice in the miracle of her being a part of your family forever, though- it truly is amazing. She is beautiful! You are beautiful and I am happy for you! :)
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