Is the saying GOOD things come in three?
Or is the saying BAD things come in three?
Because we are at TWO GOOD things...
Hoping there is a third something heading our way!! :)
GREAT thing #1.
I didn't post this before cause I didn't want a lot of people knowing it.
Russ got an AMAZING new job.
He is officially out of training and working hard!!
The only downfall,
and something I will get used to,
(The reason I didn't post until I went private)
he is gone for 15 days at at time.
(technically it will be 17 or 18 this time around- he had to drive)
BUT I did great with the last 15 days.
Only 2 break downs, and it was during the wedding :).
Who wouldn't miss their "missing" husband during a WEDDING?
And when people are saying to you left and right-
How hard!! Do you miss him like crazy?
I bet you are going nuts without him!!
Its like asking a 9 month pregnant lady if she is ready to have her baby!!
Do you even have to ask?
GREAT thing #2.
We signed the contract on a HOUSE!!
We are only renting it, due to item #1.
But we are SOOOOO excited!!
We will be moving as soon as Russ gets home!!
OF COURSE we are sad to leave my family,
but its time to be grownups again.
I can't wait to show pictures when we get in!!
Ohhh.... And to have ALL of our stuff with us!!
And I am hoping FOREVER this time!!
So if the saying is about GOOD things,
I can't WAIT to see what #3 will be!!
(Fingers crossed for something AMAZING!!)
Just realized...
WE have a 17 month old!!
Where the HECK has the time gone?!?!?!