So we were engaged, and OH so excited about getting MARRIED a week (and 2 days) later!
Monday was a holiday... THANK HEAVENS, so we went dress shopping. Obviously Russ didn't go, but I did go with My momma, My sister Julianne, Russ's Momma Christie, Russ' sister Teea, Russ' niece Brooklyn- or as I like to call her, "My Little Shadow", and Anne Davis (one of my BFs). It was so fun! It was fast too. I walked into Allyse's Bridal, the first dress we looked at I LOVED, I tried it one LOVED it EVEN more! (Let me tell you, this was a TOTAL "out of body experience" for me. I would put the dress on, walked out, and looked in the mirror. There was a girl in a dress, and she looked great, but it didn't feel like it was ME! It was really hard to get past that too! I needed many opinions about it until I was sure I was ok with the dress. Thanks to all the help I had that day! I couldn't have done it without you!) I tried MAYBE 3 more on, put my dress back on and I was done. I was sold and I was SO happy in it! We had a few things altered, and when I went to give them my dress, they told me I would get it at 10:00 AM on the 8th... MY WEDDING DAY. I was in a bit of a panic, but what can ya do? I didn't really give them much time!
(Here is a pic from that morning, you'll have to forgive my weirdness)
We left there, and went and got Brooklyn's little flower girl dress. As you will see in future pictures, I wanted her to look JUST LIKE ME! I love this little girl SO MUCH! She literally is my shadow, and I LOVE IT!! She makes me laugh all the time. She looked ADORABLE in the dress so we had to get it.
We had Beasley family pictures later that night, and at the end our photographer (Dustin's sister Courtney who takes AMAZING pictures) decided that she wanted to take more of Russ and I. I couldn't complain, they were going to be the only "engagement pictures" we had. We were there for about an hour longer and it was SO FUN! A little awkward, but the pictures turned out great! Enjoy a few!


I love these 2!!


On the 3rd Russ and I went and got our Marriage license. That was pretty fun and weird all at the same time. Not a bad weird, but some of the questions they ask you, I had a good laugh about. Signing the form was so great too! It felt so good knowing we were one step closer to being married!!
On Friday the 5th, my friends threw a Bridal shower/Bachelorette party (Thanks TONS girls!). It was GREAT FUN! I will admit, I HATE being the center of attention, it makes me SO awkward. We laughed a lot and had great times. Russ went to Wendover that night and had a GREAT time as well! Here are some pics from MY OH SO FUN night!

Me and Anne

Before I knew it, it was Saturday. We still had a lot to do in the backyard, so we spent most of that day getting things set up in the Snyder's backyard.
We spent a few hours on Sunday with the Snyder's- still working on getting things set up, and decided, then we went with my family to dinner in Riverton. It was Josh's "Last" dinner at Grandma's, so we were sure to be there.
And now we are to Monday, September 8th, 2008.
I know that wasn't a lot of detail, and not a lot posted. But I want to wait until Next time to do the WHOLE Wedding day. :)
Again, until next time, enjoy another picture from our PERFECT WEDDING!!

Your pictures are so cute! We all need to get together and go to dinner or have a bbq! How is married life btw??
Got your invite! SO cute! Have a great reception this week!
I LOVE all the pictures of you and your hubby! SOOOO Cute.. and you both have GREAT smiles! I love it!
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