I know its a little late.
Russ had a few days off and I wanted to spend every minute I could with him.
So I did!
Now I can post!
My Dr. appointment went great!
Everything is still right on track!
I sure love hearing our little heart beat!
We have another ultrasound set up for next month,
and I am SO glad Russ will be able to be there!
Russ' job is going GREAT!
He's already moved up!
He is really loving the work,
how could he not? :)
All he thinks/talks about is trucks.
I am so proud of him!
He's doing amazing!
On a little different note,
I have come to realize that every moment needs to be a special one.
Ok, I didn't JUST realize this,
I have been focusing on this my whole pregnancy.
But I am finally putting it into words.
-More Specifically-
I was talking with my mother-in-law and her sister,
and we were talking about how so many women
get to the point that they no longer can stand being pregnant.
Saying things like,
"I can't wait until I'm done!"
"I'm done with this, I can't take it any longer"
And so on.
I personally have looked at every moment in my pregnancy as one of importance.
Every kick, every little nudge, every time I feel her, it brings me so much joy!
I love sitting in the quiet of the night and just watching my stomach move.
What an AMAZING time.
I can't get enough!
And it sure doesn't get old!
I love the bond I already feel with our little baby.
Granted, I have been VERY lucky not to be sick.
I've had a very nice pregnancy, With no complications.
I am going to continue to cherish these last 10 weeks.
Its going to be a few years until I have these special feelings again.
Feelings only a pregnant mother can have!
Our little girl will never be this little again!
She's only going to grow from here!
Of course I can't wait until she arrives.
But I hope to never get to the point that I
no longer can tolerate being pregnant.
This has also been something I have focused on with Russ.
How blessed I am to have the amazing husband I do!
We only have 10 more weeks until our little twosome becomes a threesome.
Even at lunch today, I just stopped everything,
Looked across the table, and just thought to myself.
Stared into those beautiful eyes and counted my blessings.
I was so full of love in that moment.
I have the most amazing, handsome, loving, sweet, happy husband.
(I could go on for days)
I really am so spoiled.
It was just a moment at lunch, but a moment I wont get back.
And I was sure to embrace it!
How many moments a day do we just let pass,
and not get anything out of them?
Lets try to care a little more.
Be more positive.
Embrace everything that comes our way.
(Even hard things can give us the greatest blessings)
And most of all,
ALWAYS show those that we LOVE how much we LOVE them!!
Live with no regrets.
I hope I'll never miss the chance to say I love someone!
Or show someone how much they mean to me!
Alright... Now we can move on to pictures.
I really just needed to get that off my mind.
And I sure hope it made some sense!
She was REALLY forward the day we took this picture.
Although, she is really forward most of the time.
She is getting bigger though!
(and in turn so am I) :)
I can't wait until the ultrasound so we get to see how big she is!
And there you have it!
Tomorrow we hit 30 weeks!
Crazy that we only have 70 days,
or 10 weeks....
IF not less!
Until this weekend!!
Love you all!
So I did!
Now I can post!
My Dr. appointment went great!
Everything is still right on track!
I sure love hearing our little heart beat!
We have another ultrasound set up for next month,
and I am SO glad Russ will be able to be there!
Russ' job is going GREAT!
He's already moved up!
He is really loving the work,
how could he not? :)
All he thinks/talks about is trucks.
I am so proud of him!
He's doing amazing!
On a little different note,
I have come to realize that every moment needs to be a special one.
Ok, I didn't JUST realize this,
I have been focusing on this my whole pregnancy.
But I am finally putting it into words.
-More Specifically-
I was talking with my mother-in-law and her sister,
and we were talking about how so many women
get to the point that they no longer can stand being pregnant.
Saying things like,
"I can't wait until I'm done!"
"I'm done with this, I can't take it any longer"
And so on.
I personally have looked at every moment in my pregnancy as one of importance.
Every kick, every little nudge, every time I feel her, it brings me so much joy!
I love sitting in the quiet of the night and just watching my stomach move.
What an AMAZING time.
I can't get enough!
And it sure doesn't get old!
I love the bond I already feel with our little baby.
Granted, I have been VERY lucky not to be sick.
I've had a very nice pregnancy, With no complications.
I am going to continue to cherish these last 10 weeks.
Its going to be a few years until I have these special feelings again.
Feelings only a pregnant mother can have!
Our little girl will never be this little again!
She's only going to grow from here!
Of course I can't wait until she arrives.
But I hope to never get to the point that I
no longer can tolerate being pregnant.
This has also been something I have focused on with Russ.
How blessed I am to have the amazing husband I do!
We only have 10 more weeks until our little twosome becomes a threesome.
Even at lunch today, I just stopped everything,
Looked across the table, and just thought to myself.
Stared into those beautiful eyes and counted my blessings.
I was so full of love in that moment.
I have the most amazing, handsome, loving, sweet, happy husband.
(I could go on for days)
I really am so spoiled.
It was just a moment at lunch, but a moment I wont get back.
And I was sure to embrace it!
How many moments a day do we just let pass,
and not get anything out of them?
Lets try to care a little more.
Be more positive.
Embrace everything that comes our way.
(Even hard things can give us the greatest blessings)
And most of all,
ALWAYS show those that we LOVE how much we LOVE them!!
Live with no regrets.
I hope I'll never miss the chance to say I love someone!
Or show someone how much they mean to me!
Alright... Now we can move on to pictures.
I really just needed to get that off my mind.
And I sure hope it made some sense!
Although, she is really forward most of the time.
(and in turn so am I) :)
I can't wait until the ultrasound so we get to see how big she is!
And there you have it!
Tomorrow we hit 30 weeks!
Crazy that we only have 70 days,
or 10 weeks....
IF not less!
Until this weekend!!
Love you all!