I've fallen off the blogging bandwagon,
and can't seem to get back on!
I think about it ALL the time,
but never DO it!
When I look at some friends blog pages,
my blog icon just keeps getting further
and further down the lists.
I take TONS of pictures a day,
So that's no excuse.
Addi changes EVERYDAY!
She is army crawling,
walking with support,
pulling herself up on things,
wearing 18 month clothing,
pooping in the toilet
(ok, it only happened twice this week,
three times all together, but it happened)
growing taller and taller everyday.
And her little personality
is TO. DIE. FOR.
She talks all day.
Laughs 90% of the time.
Her smile, and little face are the cutest things ever!
I could really eat her up.
And she eats me up ALL THE TIME.
She LOVES running in circles.
(in this thing)
LOVE LOVE LOVES her Daddy and Duke.
And yet, here I am day in and day out dragging my feet.
Maybe its because I haven't been good at documenting her milestones.
I know what they are,
but haven't written them down
I am sure I have forgotten some fun ones already.
Things she did for a bit then moved on from.
I haven't printed any of pictures that I have wanted to.
And trust me, this list goes ON, and ON.
So beyond NOT blogging,
I feel like my daughter is not going to be very happy with me in the future.
I can hear it now
"Mom, why don't you have all these fun things I did written down?"
So then I sit here and wonder.
If I made it a goal to blog daily,
-like it did back in December-
Would I feel better about things?
OR would I feel overwhelmed?
Something I am going to sit on for a few days....
We'll see what happens.
But since I am here, and talking your ear off,
I must show you the
Driving Daddy's truck,
Our SILLY little monkey!
Wearing her Valentines Day outfit from "G"!
(and it is SUPER cute!!)
Maybe I'll see you here soon....
I'm really hoping I show up.
I think about it ALL the time,
but never DO it!
When I look at some friends blog pages,
my blog icon just keeps getting further
and further down the lists.
I take TONS of pictures a day,
So that's no excuse.
Addi changes EVERYDAY!
She is army crawling,
walking with support,
pulling herself up on things,
wearing 18 month clothing,
pooping in the toilet
(ok, it only happened twice this week,
three times all together, but it happened)
growing taller and taller everyday.
And her little personality
is TO. DIE. FOR.
She talks all day.
Laughs 90% of the time.
Her smile, and little face are the cutest things ever!
I could really eat her up.
And she eats me up ALL THE TIME.
She LOVES running in circles.
(in this thing)
LOVE LOVE LOVES her Daddy and Duke.
And yet, here I am day in and day out dragging my feet.
Maybe its because I haven't been good at documenting her milestones.
I know what they are,
but haven't written them down
I am sure I have forgotten some fun ones already.
Things she did for a bit then moved on from.
I haven't printed any of pictures that I have wanted to.
And trust me, this list goes ON, and ON.
So beyond NOT blogging,
I feel like my daughter is not going to be very happy with me in the future.
I can hear it now
"Mom, why don't you have all these fun things I did written down?"
So then I sit here and wonder.
If I made it a goal to blog daily,
-like it did back in December-
Would I feel better about things?
OR would I feel overwhelmed?
Something I am going to sit on for a few days....
We'll see what happens.
But since I am here, and talking your ear off,
I must show you the
(and it is SUPER cute!!)
Maybe I'll see you here soon....
I'm really hoping I show up.
I always love pictures of Addi, but that picture of her at the steering wheel totally made me grin. and I could never say it enough - she is SO ADORABLE!!!!!!!
By the way if it helps give you ANY motivation, I have your blog bookmarked and check it at LEAST every other day just to see if there are new posts! (Hey, I don't have a job, don't blame me for blog stalking!)
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