I'm on, looking at blogs,
so I might as well post some
I am loving all the pictures,
so I'll let you all in to enjoy as well!!
This girl LOVES her Daddy!!
When she is upset,
she just sits there and says
"Da da dad dad!!!"
And as most babies do,
when the mom says
"say mom"
they PROMPTLY return with a
"Da da dad"
My little cuddle bug!!
I know, without a doubt though,
that she loves me!!
(And she says "Mom" ALL THE TIME)
Mommy and her little MONKEY!
I HAD to post this picture
it was TOO perfect!
I had NO idea that she was making a face!
All I knew was that she was pulling my hair, so I made a face.
Purely a classic moment.
A rare moment with pretty Miss Addi.
I can only imagine what she was thinking...
"Ok mom... not right now."
Too cute!
Well, Addi has been sick since Friday.
So its been a LONG weekend.
She finally seems on the mend today.
Kept ALL her food down,
and was a LITTLE happier.
(Still not all the way back to normal)
On top of being sick she is teething.
Two bottom teeth, about to come in.
Oh, and Duke was fixed last Wednesday.
Its been a little rough around these parts.
But I am happy to say that Russ and I
went on a "date" for the first time in almost year,
without Addi of course.
She was sick, so it cut the night short,
but we made it a goal to do it more often.
I did of course miss Addi the WHOLE time.
But LOVED spending those few moments
with my HANDSOME husband!
We are off to the sun in 2 days
(technically tomorrow cause it is a little after midnight)
Maybe I'll post from down there?
Probably not though.
We have a pretty full schedule.
But we hope you are all well!!
I am loving all the pictures,
so I'll let you all in to enjoy as well!!
When she is upset,
she just sits there and says
"Da da dad dad!!!"
And as most babies do,
when the mom says
"say mom"
they PROMPTLY return with a
"Da da dad"
I know, without a doubt though,
that she loves me!!
(And she says "Mom" ALL THE TIME)
it was TOO perfect!
I had NO idea that she was making a face!
All I knew was that she was pulling my hair, so I made a face.
Purely a classic moment.
I can only imagine what she was thinking...
"Ok mom... not right now."
Too cute!
Well, Addi has been sick since Friday.
So its been a LONG weekend.
She finally seems on the mend today.
Kept ALL her food down,
and was a LITTLE happier.
(Still not all the way back to normal)
On top of being sick she is teething.
Two bottom teeth, about to come in.
Oh, and Duke was fixed last Wednesday.
Its been a little rough around these parts.
But I am happy to say that Russ and I
went on a "date" for the first time in almost year,
without Addi of course.
She was sick, so it cut the night short,
but we made it a goal to do it more often.
I did of course miss Addi the WHOLE time.
But LOVED spending those few moments
with my HANDSOME husband!
We are off to the sun in 2 days
(technically tomorrow cause it is a little after midnight)
Maybe I'll post from down there?
Probably not though.
We have a pretty full schedule.
But we hope you are all well!!
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