Please keep your arms and legs inside the ride at all times.
And PLEASE don't touch ANYTHING...
Really though, its hard to keep this way.
*WARNING: This Blog contains 33 pictures. If you don't have time to complete the ride, please signal to the nearest attendant and she will let you off.
Thank you, and please enjoy the ride!
Welcome to our HUMBLE ABODE.

Lets walk in shall we?
To the left we have

Our LOVELY COUCH!! This is our living room!
To the right we have

The T.V, and the most cluttered part of the house...
Back to the front we have

Lets go out it!

Oh! Its the patio! Nice mess... Russ!
And what we see out to the left?

The backyard?!? That's a WAY busy road, and beyond that... the I-10!
Lets go back inside, its probably too hot out here for MOST of you anyway!
Now we have

The dinning area!
This is where we.. DINE!
This table has been around a lot.. hence the 3 broken chairs...
Lets zoom in on that picture, cause its a BEAUTIFUL one!
Ohhh how I love it!!
To the right we have the bar and the best item on it...

Russ' Baptism program that we love SO much!
And Who do we have here?

Yes, he survived the trip & He hates Russ... Its really quite a sight!
Around the corner we have

The KITCHEN! I have LOVED this area of late! I really LOVE cooking!!
Its not as clean in this picture as I thought it was.... Oh well!
Over to the left we have

My canister set! That really has Flour, Sugar, Brown Sugar, and Baking soda!
And that ADORABLE Recipe Box DOES have recipes in it!
My mom also made that sign for me, and I LOVE it!!
If you can't read it, it says
Life isn't about waiting
for the
storms to pass...
Its about learning to
Dance in the RainThen we have a few pictures

Drawn by the ONE and ONLY Melissa Huntington (Now Williams) :)

No description needed.
Below that is the laundry area... its not worth taking pictures of.
To the right we see

The bar/look out.
And in the corner, one of my favorites,

My Kitchen Aid, BOOZER- there you are again!, and another picture that I LOVE!
Now, out of the Kitchen and into the

Yes we have double doors, and our room is HUGE!
To the left

More room, and my new teddy!
Looking out see all that you can see.

In the middle

Our CAL KING bed, The 2 Blankets that I made, and the dresser Russ made me!
To the right

Our closet!
Not a chance are you going to see in there!
Its HUGE too!! And we LOVE IT!
Behind us we have

A poorly placed picture that will be moved shortly!
Yet again, another one that I LOVE!
To the left from here

Russ' bathroom- as I call it!
Now out the door and to the left we have

"My" bathroom, or the guest bathroom- depending on the week.
I HEART this bathroom!
To the right

The toilet, and the shower.
Whats behind that door, you might be asking...
We have the

If ANYONE comes to stay... This will be YOUR room! :)
We've got a

QUEEN BED! Very comfy!
Who is that on the left??

Can you see him? Yep right there at the front!
He made it as well!
Behind us we see

Another plaque my Momma made for me, that I LOVE!
Yes- I LOVE A LOT of things in my home!
To the right of the bed we have

This fun little area! I think its PERFECT!
And on the LAST wall! Here they are!

Our MOVIES, Game Systems, Video games and the extra TV! :)
There you have it!
Out the door- to the right- back to the beginning
so if you want to see it all again
hit "
Ctrl + Home" and you can go on this ride again!
LOL Well there you have it folks, our home!
Its been fun!!
See you here tomorrow!!!
(Russ fell asleep while I was doing this, so I'm sure I need to go entertain him.)