Well I was going to post the "Tour" yesterday, but we were doing this most of the day.
Then I was going to post it today... but I have something MUCH better to post about!!

So that's what today's blog will be!
We have been through a LOT together in the past 6 months,
and I have loved EVERY MINUTE of it!
I married my best friend!
I love EVERY SECOND I get to spend with my dear Russ!
There will be a post dedicated to my dearest Husband this week.
(his birthday is on the 10th!)
So I will write all my juicy feelings then! :)
HOPEFULLY tomorrow you will FINALLY see where we spend ALL our time!
Happy 6 months! It goes by so fast.. We have been married for almost 2 years.. Whoa?? Well it looks like you guys are having fun down there I am kinda jealous about the drag races! Cant wait for the "Tour"!!
Happy 6 months-- Happy Birthday to Russell tomorrow! Miss you both.
Happy 6 Months!!
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