"They" say to keep a journal during your pregnancy.
If you don't you will forget all the little stuff.
Well, of course I told myself I WOULD keep one,
but still haven't started.
I kept thinking to myself that my
Pregnancy was "uneventful",
so what would I even write about?
After losing MUCH sleep
I realized I have a LOT that I could write down!
Of course I documented the BIG stuff,
but there are so many little things.
So today, This post is going to be like a journal entry.
One that talks about whatever things I think I have missed
and would forget in the near future.
Sorry if it gets too long for you!
I am sure I will really enjoy having all these little facts.
The BIG Events: (thus far)
September 2
nd- Decided to start trying to get pregnant
November 11
th- Found out we were pregnant
December 14
th- Had our first appointment
December 18
th- Had our first Ultrasound
Heard the heart beat, Russ was stunned by how fast it was beating.
We saw her little face, and watched her kick and punch like crazy
February 17
th- Had our 2
nd appointment- also second Ultrasound
Heard her heartbeat again
(You don't ever get sick of hearing that!)
saw her legs, her little bottom, arms, belly
She was too curled up to see what she was,
so we scheduled our next appointment
February 18
th- I could finally distinguish when she was kicking!
And boy does she do it A LOT!
February 19
th- 3rd Ultrasound,
Found out she's a SHE!
Saw her for an hour,
so many good views,
and got so many good pictures.
March 4
th- Russ felt her kick for the first time!
Yes, last night Russ felt her kick.
It was so neat!
She was kicking SO hard.
Whenever her Daddy talks, she goes CRAZY!
He was just joking around and all of a sudden,
she kicked harder then she had yet.
I had him feel! She kicked his hand right away!
Then he kept talking and she kept kicking!
Truly a special moment!
I wasn't sure I was going to post this special event,
since it wasn't really mine to share.
But if I don't
I wont remember it!
"People" say that babies only kick once,
and if you feel something more then once,
its more then likely hiccups.
Oh, how wrong those people are.
Our little girl kicks for 20 plus minutes at a time!
When you watch her on an ultrasound,
you can tell how active she is.
She never stops moving/kicking/throwing her arms.
Now she is getting bigger, and it hasn't stopped.
Can't wait till she is 6 plus pounds...
Please don't break any bones!
But I REALLY am enjoying feeling her right now!
I am even starting to poke her back so she plays with me!
Its so fun, and really amazing!
Fun Facts about our BABY GIRL:She loves to kick!
She loves her Daddy's voice!
She was named back in December!
(We were down to one boy and one girl name)
She loves to roll all around!
She's sure seems to have a TON of room!
Some days she rolls to the front,
Other days she is in my back.
(I can look way pregnant some days, then look not so pregnant other days)
She wakes up around 9:00 AM and falls asleep around 10:00 PM
Of course she sleeps during the day,
but she never wakes me up, or keeps me up!
I thought of a lot more last night... Darn it!
BUT, We do get to see her again on MONDAY!
(I was asked to be a "model"
thing? for an ultrasound class)
I have only gained 9 total pounds so far!
(I was shocked that it wasn't LOTS more)
I can still fit in my regular jeans!
But I don't wear them!
(They are just fine until I sit down, then its too much pressure on my stomach)
I haven't gotten any new stretch marks!
I HAVE to have Reese's Puffs, and V8 Fusion juice for breakfast.
Yes folks, this is a must!
(Strawberry/Banana, Peach/Mango, Passion Fruit/Tangerine are the BEST)
I can still wear my wedding rings.
In fact, they still don't fit.
I have SO much energy right now!
I feel like regular old me, just fatter! :)
I have only thrown up once this entire pregnancy
(Thanks Grape Juice)
When I crave something, I eventually eat it,
then no longer crave it!
I haven't been wanting to eat anything lately as a matter of fact.
But no worries, I eat plenty!
I still don't like candy.
Its not a MUST have.
And neither is Ice Cream!
Weird- cause I LOVE Ice Cream.
I love to clean right now!
I can't get enough water!
Can't wait to get home to UTAH!
Good old amazing TAP WATER!
Speaking of Utah- Sensuous, you horrid little place!
I crave you like there is no tomorrow, and you are no where near!
Soon enough I will have you... soon enough!
Ok, I am sure I could go on forever, so that's plenty for now.
If I think of any other "cool" ones,
I'll write them down and add them to a later post.
And now, for some PICTURES!


I sure am loving being pregnant!
I think I mentioned that before!
Tomorrow we have a FULL day!
Drag races, here we come!
We are SO excited!
Ok, mostly Russ, but I DO love going!)
Today is also Russ' last day of this phase.
Only one more to go!
3 weeks from today,
we will be HEADING HOME!
And next week will be a GREAT one!
I will be posting more then one post,
All for my special someone!
Until next week!
Oh, and if there is anything you want to ask me, ASK!
I'll totally answer ANY, and I mean ANY
questions for you on my next blog.
People ask me things all the time.
That's how I come up with these "random" facts!
I love telling people what things I have been through,
or not.
So ask away! :)