- Monday June 16th we were going to go boating and decided other wise, so I just bummed around and didn't have to work. It was awesome!
- Tuesday June 17th we went boating. Dad, Josh and I went out for a while. Josh Wake boarded, Dad skied and well I attempted to ski, but its been some time. I also got a new vest during the fun week I must show off... I LOVE IT!! (thanks Russ)

(even better, its made for women!)
Mom came out a bit later, we swam and had a good time. The water was PERFECT!! Later that night Russ and I went and saw (by far one of the funniest movies this year)

We LOVED IT! Russ was laughing harder then the little girl behind us. I was laughing hard myself, but him laughing so hard made me laugh even harder!! It was SO fun!
We have been wanting to go back ever since!
Wednesday June 18th we went CAMPING!
I seriously have not been camping in YEARS! It was so fun! This was actually the first "Beasley Family Trip" Russ has been on in 5 years! It was a hoot! Russ slept in a tent about 15 feet away from everything- on a walking path! (Where all the animals in the American Fork Canyon walk...) LOL I guess that's what he gets for wanting to be the "true camper". He was in his tent and all. I slept in the back of his truck (everyone else in campers) I was so scared for him all night! His 4 wheeler also overheated and would not run... GOOD TIMES!
- Thursday June 19th- Since Russ's 4-Wheeler would not run, we weren't able to stay up and play with the family. We drove back down to Provo to get it looked at. Everyone else stayed and either hiked or went 4-wheeling on the other quads that actually worked! I was OK with that. We went to his house for most of the day and lounged around anyway. I made the most AMAZING brownies as well. We drove back up later that night, and had some more fun. Guitar playin-Brownies and ice cream- camp fire fun!
- Friday June 20th we came home around 1:00, the family went boating but we hung out at Russ's house. Beyond that, I honestly don't remember right now!
- Saturday June 21st, Josh went to the temple!!!
I am so proud of him!! I am glad he was able to go so soon before his mission! It's really starting to dawn on me how soon he is going, and its starting to freak me out a bit! Congrats on making it this far little dude! You are going to be an AWESOME missionary! I'm gunna miss you TONS, but know you are doing what you are supposed to be doing!
We went to P.F. Changs for dinner in "celebration", then we were off to the Rodeo!!
You have NO idea how excited I was when my mom told us she had gotten tickets to the rodeo!!
I LOVE the rodeo!! In high school we went all the time! I loved it, being there also brought back the old feelings of wanting to be IN it! When I was little I wanted to be a barrel rider SO bad! Watching them now, of course I still want to do it, but know I would never even come close to competing with these girls! They are incredible! It was a little hot, but we all had a good time! What a perfect way to end a GREAT week!
All in all, I must say how grateful I am to be SO blessed. I have the most amazingly indescribable family! Sure we have our "typical family moments" but we would not be who we are with out those! I love how much fun we have together and I hope the future brings many more!! To my family: I love you all so much!! You are the light of my life, and I hope you do realize how much you mean to me! Life gets busy and gets in the way, but I will always love you!! Thanks for the good times, and may there be MANY more to come! (To Jen, Kyle Bridger, and little bun in the oven- We sure missed you, and hope you get to be at our next "Beasley Family Adventure"!)
JAC!! I found your blog on Jess and Adams! Now I can stalk you even better... Mwah ha ha ha
Sounds like you had a fun week! Camping and rodeos are definitely some of my most favorite things in the world! I love ya girly!
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