I know I never go in the correct order, but right now I HAVE to get this off my chest.
Today is the the day, the day of THE DARK KNIGHT!
Today is the the day, the day of THE DARK KNIGHT!

You have no idea how excited I am to see this!
However, Russ and I are not the "midnight show" type people, nor are we the "same day released" folks. We hate bad seats, we hate loud people, and most of all we hate waiting to get in. So unfortunately, I will not be seeing it for about a week or longer... IF I CAN LAST THE LONG.
But seriously folks, if you HAVE seen it, please STOP TALKING ABOUT IT!
You're ruining it for me!
I have about 15 people outside of my office at any given time talking about it! I literally had to plug my ears and shut my door! ... STOP TALKING ABOUT IT!
I have been counting down the months! I've waited since last summer, just the same as you have. And yes Heather Ledger was always my all time favorite actor! But PLEASE, STOP!
I want to see it, and enjoy it just like you did! Without knowing EVERYTHING that happens, or how dark it is, or WHATEVER! I see previews, I read articles, and I can hardly contain myself with how much I ALREADY LOVE IT! I am a comic movie FREAK!
I LOVED Batman Begins!
I've been listening to The Dark Knight soundtrack for DAYS... NON STOP.
Do you understand how much I already love it?
Please give me peace, and enjoy it somewhere else!
OK so with all the said, when I do see it, I will come back on here and tell you how much I loved it, even more then I could imagine, but that's ALL you are going to get.
On another note, I will post those pictures soon, I promise.
Jen still has not had her baby, but I will let you know that as soon as she does.
Until next time, KEEP IT IN YOUR HEAD, and stop talking about it.
Thank you!
1 comment:
Okay- you're officially in trouble. Why didn't I know you had a blog?
So I'm with you on "The Dark Knight." I can't wait to see it. I was always so sad because it was to come out on my due date so I knew I would have to wait for RedBox or something to see it. Going to movies doesn't happen much in the Shumway home. Anyway- my mom insists that Matt and I go to it and so I am debating leaving little miss Sadie already. SCARY but who better than my mom to watch her. :)
Love ya!
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