I hope I can write all that I am thinking and make it just as fun as I remember. Sorry for the novel.
To start... Rental Cars. Ok who is the genius that thought this one up?

Let me paint the picture for you.
Russ has had his truck in the shop all week long. He finally put his foot down and demanded a rental car. The poor saps gave in, and gave him the "coolest" PT Cruiser. (You have no idea how hard I am laughing right now... Yes, the big man is in a tiny car). His buddies at work say he looks like a turtle getting out of its shell.
So anyway we are out "Crusin" in it, and just by common nature you have to beat the heck out of these things! We were aiming for the pot holes! Flooring it everywhere we went, which is not very fast. I swear we could run faster then this thing fully pinned.
Then we get on the freeway... You know those cars that get on the freeway doing, oh lets say, 35? It's not cause they are slow drivers, its because the car will not go any faster. Russ was pushing this thing at 7 Grand to get the car to move. We were laughing so hard the whole time. I must say, its a good thing he did not pay the $12.99 for full coverage, cause if so, he would have paid to DESTROY that poor little car. Fortunately for the car, Russ's truck is done.

FRIENDS. Last night we hung out with Lacee (my bestfriend) and Jason (her man). We had SO much fun! First off, Lacee could not get a hold of Jason and was terrified that he was DEAD. Yes dead! He left his phone at home... And that was the end of that.
Russ and I headed over to Lacee's in the "PT" having fun all along the way, to say that least. Anyway the TV there was being "Used until 10:00"... (Breathe Lacee) so we decided to go to Jason's to watch a movie and have pizza. The GREAT friends that they are, along with Russ, decided it would be fun to bring Diesel-Lacee's roommate’s dog. I swear this dog had it out to get me all night. After eating, and sitting down on the couch, we all decided it would be fun to wrestle a bit. I am about to push Russ when out of NO WHERE this dang dog is in my face! Anytime I would go to touch Russ she would come after me! She was nipping my feet, biting at my hands, biting my ankles, seriously anything she could grab on to. Everyone is laughing while this devil of a dog is attacking me (I am laughing as well, no worries). She got my hands really good, then the final straw... she got her whole mouth on my arm. I called it good at that point. I had enough of being attacked. I do have a few cuts and bruises but I did come out pretty clean. Dang dog... I DID NOTHING TO YOU!! Why do you hate me?
Russ and Jason took the dog home, and what do girls do when they get alone? Take pictures of course! We found Jason's camera SO fast and took so many pictures! We will have to post them when Lacee gets them off, it was fun! Best part of all is when the boys walk back in the house and you are laughing too hard to cover it up. Lacee was trying to get the camera to turn off but couldn't cause she was laughing so hard.... all she could say was, "I can't get it to shut off... I can't get it to shut off!" It was way funny!
Anywho, We watched "Dan in Real Life", I highly recommend it. It was a great movie!
Thanks Lacee, Jason and of course Russ for the WAY FUN night! You are all the best!
1 comment:
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha .... breathe....... ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. It was a good night huh.
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