In the nick of time...
Today has been a FABULOUS day!
Addi & I went shopping with "G" this morning!
We sure had a good time!!
(When is shopping with G not TOTALLY fun?)
Great game!
Then we headed to a family dinner!
Very good, as usual, and lots of fun!!
But the best part of the day?
Surprising this guy at work!
And boy oh boy was he SO HAPPY!!
We went out for (Russ') lunch and dessert (for me) :)
(We felt stupid using the flash...)
We miss him when he is at work.
And since we were SO close to him,
I knew it was the PERFECT idea.
And was it ever!
I love watching my man work!
I loved walking to and from the parts department!
And I love watching Addi get SO excited every time she would see him.
She was SQUEALING so loud it echoed in the shop.
So cute!!
We sure love you babe!!
And we were sad to leave!
(Yes, Addi cried almost the whole way home)
Today has been a FABULOUS day!
Addi & I went shopping with "G" this morning!
We sure had a good time!!
(When is shopping with G not TOTALLY fun?)
Great game!
Then we headed to a family dinner!
Very good, as usual, and lots of fun!!
But the best part of the day?
Surprising this guy at work!
And boy oh boy was he SO HAPPY!!
We went out for (Russ') lunch and dessert (for me) :)
We miss him when he is at work.
And since we were SO close to him,
I knew it was the PERFECT idea.
And was it ever!
I loved walking to and from the parts department!
And I love watching Addi get SO excited every time she would see him.
She was SQUEALING so loud it echoed in the shop.
So cute!!
(Yes, Addi cried almost the whole way home)
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